Speakers Biography:
The Demise of Free Speech in Academia
Thomas Klocek
Thomas Klocek was born in Chicago and attended a Catholic grammar school. He completed undergradute work at the Catholic University of America, Washington,D.magna cum laude in philosophy. He entered the University of Chicago and graduated with an M.A.in philosophy, specializing in Slavic linguistics. Presently, he is researching a doctorate at the University of Chicago.

For 14 years he taught at DePaul University’s School For New Learning, teaching the regular curriculum as well as instituting new courses in cultural awareness.

On September 15, 2004, he attended DePaul’s Student Activities Fair, an event open to all students and faculty. At the Students for Justice in Palestine and United Muslims Moving Ahead (UMMA) tables he asked for a flier and thereafter read outrageous statements made about Israel. He attempted to explain to the students that the Middle East situation is complex and that the Christian viewpoint is rarely heard. During the argument that ensued he reminded the students that the term “Palestinian” had originally been a broad descriptive term for anyone living in that area, Christian, Jew, or Arab.

Two days later the Dean of the School For New Learning called Professor Klocek to her office and read to him letters sent to her which outlined charges against him. The Dean then suspended the professor on the spot, with no hearing, no opportunity to confront his accusers and no written charges. Since the Fall of 2004, he has not taught at DePaul. After 3 1/2 years, his attorneys are now awaiting a trial date for his suit charging unfair dismissal against the University.

Greg Lukianoff
Greg Lukianoff has been with FIRE since 2001, when he was hired to be FIRE’s first director of legal and public advocacy. Greg is a graduate of American University and of Stanford Law School, where he focused on First Amendment and constitutional law. Before joining FIRE, Greg practiced law in Northern California. Greg has published articles in The Stanford Technology Law Review, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Fraternal Law, Inside Higher Ed, The Boston Globe, the New York Post, and numerous other publications. He is also a regular columnist for the Daily Journal of Los Angeles and San Francisco. Greg is a frequent guest on local and national syndicated radio programs, has represented FIRE on national television shows - including The O’Reilly Factor, The Abrams Report, Hannity and Colmes, and Buchanan and Press - and has testified before the U.S. Senate about free speech issues on America’s campuses. Greg, along with Harvey A. Silverglate and David French, is a co-author of FIRE’s Guide to Free Speech on Campus.


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