Speaker List

John Bolton Amb. John Bolton
Ambassador John Robert Bolton is an American lawyer and diplomat who has served in several Republican presidential administrations. He served as the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations from August, 2005 until December, 2006 on a recess appointment. Amb. Bolton is currently a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal as well as numerous other periodicals.
Hon. President Vaclav Klaus Hon. President Václav Klaus
Hon. President Václav Klaus is the President of the Czech Republic. In June, 1992, he became Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and served for four years in that capacity. President Klaus is a recipient of many doctoral degrees and international awards. His views on inflation, monetary policy, comparative economic systems and economic transformation have been published in many scientific journals. He has published more than 50 books.
Hon. John Howard, AC The Hon. John Howard, AC
The Hon. John Winston Howard, AC served as the 25th prime minister of Australia from March 1996 until November 2007. He has been Australia’s second longest serving Prime Minister. Prior to becoming Prime Minister, Mr. Howard served as Treasurer in a previous government and led his party in opposition for a number of years. Under his premiership, Australia sustained the longest period of continuous growth in its history.
Stephen K. Bannon Stephen K. Bannon
Stephen K. Bannon is a former Naval Officer and former Vice President of Goldman Sachs. Mr. Bannon is currently the Executive Chairman of Breitbart News LLC the parent company of Breitbart.com. Mr. Bannon is an award winning film maker of such titles as In The Face of Evil, Generation Zero and The Undefeated. Mr. Bannon’s most recent film Occupy Unmasked premieres June 15, 2012 at the RightOnline Conference in Las Vegas. Mr. Bannon is a graduate of Georgetown University and The Harvard Business School.
Stephen Coughlin Stephen Coughlin
Stephen Coughlin is a fellow of the American Freedom Alliance and an attorney with a background in international law and international business. He is also a former consultant to the Intelligence Directorate of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Mr. Coughlin has extensive knowledge of Islamic law and jurisprudence. He currently serves as a United States Army Reserve Major specializing in military intelligence.
Nonie Darwish Nonie Darwish
Nonie Darwish is an Egyptian-American human rights activist and founder of Arabs For Israel, and is Director of Former Muslims United. She is the author of three books: Now They Call Me Infidel; Why I Renounced Jihad for America; Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law (2010) and The Devil We Don’t Know: The Dark Side of the Revolutions in the Middle East (2012)
Avi Davis Avi Davis
Avi Davis is a journalist, commentator, attorney, documentary filmmaker and president of the American Freedom Alliance. . His many articles on Israel, the Middle East and Europe have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, the Melbourne Age, among many other publications throughout the world. He is the coordinator of the Global Governance vs National Sovereignty Conference.
John Fonte John Fonte
Dr. John Fonte is Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for American Common Culture at Hudson Institute. He is the author of Sovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or be Ruled by Others? (Encounter Books, 2011), a number one rated Amazon best seller in international law. His writing has been published in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, Israel and Latin America.
Bonnie Glick Bonnie Glick
Bonnie Glick served as an American diplomat with international assignments in Europe, Africa, and Latin America and with domestic assignments in the State Department, the White House and the United Nations. She currently works as a Global Business Development Executive in IBM Research. She has recently been conducting policy research into issues related to global internet governance and implications for national security.
Larry Greenfield Larry Greenfield
Larry Greenfield is national executive director of JINSA, the Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs.
He is senior fellow of the American Freedom Alliance, and fellow in American studies at the Claremont Institute. He is also the founding executive director of the Reagan Legacy Foundation, and a noted lecturer on American politics and foreign policy. He served in the Armed Forces of the United States in Naval Intelligence and earned his BA in political science at UC Berkeley and his Law Degree at the Georgetown University Law Center.
Richard Grenell Richard Grenell
Richard Grenell was appointed in 2001 by President George W. Bush to serve as Director of Communications and Public Diplomacy for the United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations. In this role, Mr. Grenell advised four U.S. Ambassadors - John D. Negroponte, John C. Danforth, John R. Bolton and Zalmay Khalilzad - on the formulation and articulation of United States policy at the United Nations. Grenell was also appointed by John C. Danforth in 2004 as an Alternate Representative of the United States of America to the UN Security Council with full voting rights and privileges. Grenell is the longest serving U.S. spokesman at the UN in history.
Steve Groves Steve Groves
Steven Groves is the Bernard and Barbara Lomas Fellow at the Heritage Institute’s Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom, where he works to protect and preserve American sovereignty, self-governance and independence. Before joining Heritage, he served as assistant attorney general for the State of Florida, litigating civil rights cases, constitutional law issues and criminal appeals in state and federal courts.
Anne Herzberg Anne Herzberg
Anne Herzberg is the Legal Advisor of the Israel-based organization, NGO Monitor. Her areas of expertise include international human rights and humanitarian law, NGOs, the UN system and international criminal law. Her publications have appeared in many major news outlets. She has also published on the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia.
Joe R. Hicks Joe R. Hicks
Joe R. Hicks is a radio talk show host and co-founder of Community Advocates, Inc., a Los Angeles based political think-tank, created to address issues of race and human relations. He is currently a host and commentator for Pajamas Television Daily, an online television network and the former host of the weekly KFI AM 640 Talk Radio program - “The Joe Hicks Show.”
Elan Journo Elan Journo
Elan Journo is a fellow in foreign policy at the Ayn Rand Institute, and the Institute's director of Policy Research. His book, Winning the Unwinnable War, looks at what went wrong with America's response to 9/11 and what we should do going forward. He has appeared on Fox News Channel, PBS and NPR affiliates, and numerous nationally syndicated radio programs. His work has appeared in journals and the popular media outlets, including, among many others, the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Sun-Times, and Canada's Globe and Mail.
donald-kochan Donald Kochan
Donald J. Kochan is Professor of Law at Chapman University School of Law. Professor Kochan has published in many areas, most notably property rights, international law and economics. He was an Olin Fellow at the University of Virginia School of Law in 2003-2004 and a Visiting Assistant Professor of Law at George Mason University School of Law in 2002-2003.
Rosa Koire Rosa Koire
Rosa Koire, ASA, is the executive director of the Post Sustainability Institute. She is a forensic commercial real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation and has been one the foremost analysts of the local impact of the U.N. mandated program Agenda 21. Ms. Koire is a regular blogger on her website www.DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21.com. Her latest book is Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21(2012)
Nitsana Leitner Nitsana Leitner
Nitsana Leitner is an Israeli lawyer, human rights activist and founder of Shurat Hadin Israeli Law Center. She is known for her legal activism, especially campaigns to sue terror organizations and terrorists on behalf of victims. She is also a media personality appearing in the press, on radio and television, including Israeli talk show programs, Voice of Israel Radio, CNN, the BBC, European television, the Jerusalem Report and many American and Canadian publications. Ms. Darshan-Leitner is the mother of six, and married to Israeli attorney Avi Leitner.
Reggie Littlejohn Reggie Littlejohn
Reggie Littlejohn is the founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, an international coalition aimed at exposing and opposing forced abortion, gendercide, sexual slavery and to free blind Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng. She has testified five times before the United States Congress, twice at the European Parliament, and before both the British and Irish Parliaments. Ms. Littlejohn is a frequent guest on radio and television programs, including CNN, C-SPAN and the BBC and has issued several groundbreaking reports that are included in the Congressional record.
Matthew malkan Matthew Malkan
Matthew Malkan is Professor of Physics and Astronomy at UCLA. He has published over 200 refereed articles in peer-reviewed journals and regularly chairs advisory committees for NASA, the National Optical Astronomical Observatory and the National Science Foundation on the allocation of funding and valuable observing time on the largest telescopes on the planet and in space.
Robert C. O’Brien Robert C. O’Brien
Robert C. O’Brien is the Managing Partner of the Los Angeles office of Arent Fox LLP. President George W. Bush nominated and the U.S. Senate then confirmed Mr. O’Brien as the U.S. Alternate Representative to the 60th session of the UN General Assembly. Mr. O’Brien regularly writes opinion pieces on national security issues for national publications.
Mark Paredes Mark Paredes
Mark Paredes blogs on the Middle East and religion for the Jewish Journal and Meridian Magazine. He has worked for the ZOA, the American Jewish Congress, and the Consulate General of Israel in Los Angeles. Mark also served as a U.S. diplomat in Israel and Mexico. A native of Michigan, he worked as a journalist in Milan and lived in Moscow before graduating from Brigham Young University with a degree in Italian and joining the Foreign Service. Following his diplomatic service in Mexico and Israel, Mark studied law, clerking at leading international law firms in Dallas, Texas and Rome, Italy. He speaks seven languages fluently and has lived in five countries. Mark has appeared as a Middle East analyst on several television newscasts, is a member of several speakers bureaus in the Jewish community, and has lectured on Middle East issues at many universities. In addition, Mark makes presentations worldwide on the history of Jewish-Mormon relations, most recently during two speaking tours of 13 European countries. In his spare time, he collects translations of the novel Don Quixote.

Steven Alan Samson Steven Alan Samson
Dr. Steven Alan Samson has been a professor of government at Liberty University since 1998. His research and writing focus on the European and American intellectual, cultural, and constitutional traditions, giving particular attention to their ideological challengers. Dr. Samson holds degrees in political science from the University of Colorado and the Ph.D. from the University of Oregon. Since 1977, he has taught political science, history, geography, and humanities at a dozen colleges in half a dozen states: Oregon, Indiana, Michigan, Florida, Texas, and Virginia. After the Helms School of Government was founded in 2004, Dr. Samson served for three years as the department chairman.

Roberta Seid Roberta Seid
Roberta P. Seid specialized in European Social History and taught Gender Studies at the University of Southern California. She is a member of the America Israel Demographic Research Group (AIDRG), which exposed the false myths about Palestinian and Israeli demography and is the Education/Research Director for the Israel advocacy organization StandWithUs.
Michael Shaw Michael Shaw
Michael Shaw is an attorney who guides Freedom Advocates.org, a tax exempt organization dedicated to alerting Americans to the global political-economic scheme known as Agenda 21. His current focus is on the local invasion of sustainability concepts into regional government, through NGOs and other mechanisms.
Roger Simon Roger L. Simon
Roger L. Simon - the only writer alive to be profiled positively by both Mother Jones and The National Review - is an Academy Award-nominated screenwriter of many films, prize-winning mystery novelist and the CEO and co-founder of the influential new media company PJ Media. He has also written journalism for the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and Commentary, among many other publications. His most recent of eleven books is TURNING RIGHT AT HOLLYWOOD AND VINE, a memoir. His most recent film is A BETTER LIFE, for which the lead actor was nominated for the best actor Oscar.
Gerald Steinberg Gerald Steinberg
Gerald Steinberg is professor of political science at Bar Ilan University; founder of the University’s Program on Conflict Management and Negotiation, and president of NGO Monitor, a non-governmental research institute. His publications include The Politics of NGOs, Human Rights and the Arab-Israel Conflict and The UN Goldstone Report Reconsidered.
Eugene Volokh Eugene Volokh
Eugene Volokh is Gary T. Schwartz Professor of Law at UCLA School of Law, where he specializes in First Amendment law. He is the author of the textbooks The First Amendment and Related Statutes (3d ed. 2008), The Religion Clauses and Related Statutes (2005), and Academic Legal Writing (4th ed. 2010), as well as over 60 law review articles and over 80 op-eds, http://www.law.ucla.edu/volokh/. He also blogs at http://volokh.com (The Volokh Conspiracy); many of his blog posts have discussed the interaction between Islam and American law.

John Yoo John Yoo
John Yoo is a professor of law at the University of California at Berkeley and a Visiting Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. From 2001-06, he served as a deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice, where he worked on national security and terrorism after the September 11 attacks. His latest book,
Taming Globalization (Oxford University Press, 2012), addresses the ways that American sovereignty channels and resists efforts at global governance.


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